
Heat Engine

  In   thermodynamics   and   engineering , a   heat engine   is a system that converts heat or   thermal energy   to   mechanical energy , which can then be used to do   mechanical work . [1] [2]   It does this by bringing a   working substance   from a higher state temperature to a lower state temperature. A heat source generates thermal energy that brings the working substance to the high temperature state. The working substance generates work in the   working body   of the engine while   transferring heat   to the colder   sink   until it reaches a low temperature state. During this process some of the thermal energy is converted into   work   by exploiting the properties of the working substance. The working substance can be any system with a non-zero   heat capacity , but it usually is a gas or liquid. During this process, some heat is normally lost to the surroundings and is not converted to work. Also, some energy is unusable because of friction and drag. Figure 1: Heat engine

Chess rules

  The  rules of chess  (also known as the  laws of chess ) are rules governing the play of the game of  chess . While the exact  origins of chess  are unclear, modern rules first took form during the Middle Ages. The rules continued to be slightly modified until the early 19th century, when they reached essentially their current form. The rules also varied somewhat from place to place. Today, the standard rules are set by  FIDE  (Fédération Internationale des Échecs), the international governing body for chess. Slight modifications are made by some national organizations for their own purposes. There are variations of the rules for  fast chess ,  correspondence chess ,  online chess , and  Chess960 . Chess is a two-player board game using a chessboard and sixteen pieces of six types for each player. Each type of piece moves in a distinct way. The object of the game is to checkmate (threaten with inescapable capture) the opponent's king. Games do not necessarily end in checkmate; a

Father of computer

  Babbage is considered by some to be " father of the computer ". [2] [3] [4] [5]   Babbage is credited with inventing the first   mechanical computer , the Difference Engine, that eventually led to more complex electronic designs, though all the essential ideas of modern computers are to be found in Babbage's   Analytical Engine . [2] [6]   His varied work in other fields has led him to be described as "pre-eminent" among the many polymaths of his century. [1] CHARLES BABBAGE Babbage, who died before the complete successful engineering of many of his designs, including his Difference Engine and Analytical Engine, remained a prominent figure in the ideating of computing. Parts of Babbage's incomplete mechanisms are on display in the  Science Museum  in London. In 1991, a functioning  difference engine  was constructed from Babbage's original plans. Built to  tolerances  achievable in the 19th century, the success of the finished engine indicated that Bab

Inspirational quotes
