Cultural Heritage of India

 Culture means 'the art of living', according to the changing coincidence in the country or society from time to time, the culture of different societies is formed by changes in social life, social policy, etc.  Culture means the product of human mind and the habits of human society, values, ethics, religious tradition, living and living, and the ideals that lead life to the highest purpose, can also be called) Heritage of Indian Culture.

 "Legacy means the invaluable gift we received from our ancestors. The history of India is thousands of years old. In the daily pledge that goes to school, we say" I love my country and it is proud of its prosperity and multiple traditions. "

2) Cultural Heritage of India

 India has gifted the world a diverse and rich heritage. Cultural heritage means that human inherited heritage is what human beings achieved through their intelligence, skill and art skills which they created, it is called cultural heritage. From Aryans to Shak Kshatrap Kushans, Huns, Iranians, Turks, Arabs, Mughals, Parsis, Britishers, French, etc., the Indian culture has been enriched by the interchange between them.

 Since prehistoric times, India has given a lot of cultural heritage to the world's subjects. For example, the art of craft architecture is about 5000 years old, in which the ancient remains of the Indus Valley culture can be counted. Seeing the gods and goddesses derived from it, statues, human crafts, animals and toys or the bearded man's sculpture and the idol of the dancer, we have a feeling of pride and pride in our cultural heritage. In the same sequence, the sculpture of lion and Taurus over the inverted lotus shape of the Mauryan era, the craft of Buddha's enlightenment, the statue of Mahatma Gautama Buddha, the propitiation of Sarnath, and the statues of Jain Tirthankaras of the period thereafter, the Rashtrakutas

 1.3 Danavana Pacha's craft looking at the caves of Ellora and Ajanya of the time of the kings

 We feel respect and pride for our cultural heritage. Its cultural heritage can include temples, inscriptions, stupas, viharas, chaityas, mausoleums, mosques, forts, domes, palaces, doors, buildings, excavated sites and historical monuments. Historical sites of its freedom struggle like Sabarmati Ashram, Dandi, Bardoli, Wardha, Shanti Niketan (Kolkata), Delhi etc. can also be recognized as cultural heritage. Many important discoveries like language, script, numeral, zero discovery, mathematics, almanac, astronomy, iron, literature, religion, martial arts, chariot, political science, zoology, botany, architecture, religion, republic justice, legislation, environmental protection etc. Has taken place in India.


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